Privacy Policy

SICK is pleased about your visit on our website and your interest in our company, in our products and our services. Protecting your privacy is important to us and we want you to feel secure while visiting our website. To this end, we would like to explain below what information we process during your visit on our website.

Visit of our Websites

Responsible SICK AG, Erwin-Sick-Straße 1, 79183 Waldkirch, Germany
Purpose of processing Print and shipping of your personalized button produced by the Smart Button Factory
Categories of data
  • - Date of order
  • - Personal picture and text
  • - First and last name
  • - Delivery address
  • - Cookies
Categories of voluntary data
  • - E-Mail Address
Legal basis
  • - DS-GVO Art. 6 (1) b) – Contract
  • - DS-GVO Art. 6 (1) f) – Business Interest
Cookie Nutzung Zur Bereitstellung des Services für möglichst viele Personen werden Cookies verwendet um die Bestellungen auf eine Bestellung pro Person zu begrenzen.
Legitimate interest Visual display of an interaction with Industry 4.0 manufacturing cell.
Consequences of failure to provide the data The provision of personal data is not required by law. If you do not provide the necessary data, however, it is not possible to print and ship your button.
Retention time Your data will be deleted after production of the button or with cancellation of the button order.
Data source We only process data that you provide us directly, as well as IP address and browser data that your device automatically transmits to us.
Transmission to third parties We do not transmit personal data to third parties.
Logic of the automated decision We do not use automated decisions.

Your rights

You have the right to

For this, please contact our Data Privacy Officer. We will provide an appropriate response to all requests.

Privacy Officer
Erwin-Sick-Straße 1
79183 Waldkirch

Amendments of the privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Policy at any time to comply with the applicable requirements. You can call up the current version of the Privacy Policy on our website at any time.